Monday, March 24, 2008

What's in a name?

I was just reading my daughter's blog, her latest entry about a person she calls hero, who has inspired her and other fellow triathletes. I decided it was time that I began a blog of my own. As I filled out the forms, the first trick question was "what do you want to call your blog?".

Without even thinking, the notion of "The Spirit moves me" jumped into my head. The word Move is about the transformation that has happened in the last three years, inspired by daughter, my wife, and my son, I began moving - that is exercising. I did not spend my life being a slug. I played tennis in high school and college. I wrestled in college. I was a runner for a few years. I've had owned three bicycles in my adult life. But something happened when I had ankle surgery around 40 years old and I could not run anymore. My job stress and life stress led to slovenly life style that packed on the pounds until 3 years ago. That's when I bought my fourth bicycle just to be with my family on two wheels. Over a three year period and a purchase of the fifth bicycle, I've put myself back into decent physical condition. As my daughter said "Never in my dreams would I have thought I would get an email from my dad saying he just completed 5000 miles on his bicycle this year."

The Spirit part of the title alludes to my spiritual growth. I've been a Christian since 1976. Somewhere in the last 3 years, I feel that I've started growing up spirtually. I am slowly beginning to understand why God put me here and the foundation He provided for me (and everyone) in this life.

So, as lame as it may seem, "The Spirit moves me" is about my spirit and my body - my life.


1 comment:

Lisa said...

I think it fits perfectly!