I sit here thinking... What do I have a blog for? If you're going to have one, you better write more often than once a year. So right now, I have lots of time on my hands and I will see if I can start writing more.
Following my bike accident and followup surgery on my birthday (Sept 14), things did not go well. I'll just say it simply. My shoulder started coming apart. It hurt. No wait a minute. It HHHURRRRRTTTTTT!!!!! I experienced three of the most miserable months in my life. I tried to be spirtual and keep a positive attitude. I did not do so well. I started reading Disappointment with God, by Phillip Yancey. Does that tell you something about where my head was at?
So I finally decided it was second opinion time. I got one and this surgeon said what my first surgeon would not admit. YOU NEED TO HAVE ANOTHER SURGERY. Surprisingly, this thought cheered me up. It meant there was a path forward, instead of sitting and spinning in a painful circle. On December 13, the new surgeon operated and put my shoulder back together. Does it hurt? YES. Am I happy. YOU BET! My shoulder feels like everything is in place and I feel like I am having the kind of pain that means it is healing well. That's an odd thing to say, but that is how I feel.
It is unfair to say everything has been miserable. My first grandson, Liam, was born. Oh what joy! He is lucky to have two great parents, Greg and Melissa. It's very obvious that they are totally in love with the little guy.
Then there are two of the greatest joys of my life, Sarah and Jessica, my granddaughters. They make me feel totally important and loved with no limit. They are pure happiness and infinite energy all rolled into one. Sarah and Jessica will grow up brimming with self esteem because of their two devoted parents, Lisa and Jeff. They give their daughters firm direction with constant reassurance and praise.
To complete the positive thoughts, I think of my awesome wife, Anne. She has unselfishly cared for me physically and emotionally. I would be a total wreck, if she had not been there so many times to hold me and talk to me. She has been with me almost 39 years. We are working on making it a lifetime.